
Monday, August 3, 2020

Why Drink Enough Water Important

The human body comprises around 60% water. It’s commonly recommended that you drink eight 8-ounce (237-mL) glasses of water per day (the 8×8 rule).Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being, but many people do not consume enough fluids each day. Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2% of your body’s water content. However, it isn’t uncommon for athletes to lose as much as 6–10% of their water weight via sweat.
It's no magic bullet, but the benefits of water are many.

Significantly affects energy levels and brain function
Your brain is strongly influenced by your hydration status.

Studies show that even mild dehydration, such as the loss of 1–3% of body weight, can impair many aspects of brain function.

In a study in young women, researchers found that fluid loss of 1.4% after exercise impaired both mood and concentration. It also increased the frequency of headaches (6Trusted Source).

Many members of this same research team conducted a similar study in young men. They found that fluid loss of 1.6% was detrimental to working memory and increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue .

A fluid loss of 1–3% equals about 1.5–4.5 pounds (0.5–2 kg) of body weight loss for a person weighing 150 pounds (68 kg). This can easily occur through normal daily activities, let alone during exercise or high heat.

Water lubricates the joints
Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80 percent water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints’ shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain.

Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

Water Helps Energize Muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. "When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer," says Guest.

Drinking enough fluids is important when exercising. Follow the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for fluid intake before and during physical activity. These guidelines recommend that people drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise, they recommend that people start drinking fluids early, and drink them at regular intervals to replace fluids lost by sweating.

Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good. Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But don't expect over-hydration to erase wrinkles or fine lines, says Atlanta dermatologist Kenneth Ellner, MD.

"Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration," he says. "But once you are adequately hydrated, the kidneys take over and excrete excess fluids."

You can also help "lock" moisture into your skin by using moisturizer, which creates a physical barrier to keep moisture in.

The bottom line
Even mild dehydration can affect you mentally and physically.

Make sure that you get enough water each day, whether your personal goal is 64 ounces (1.9 liters) or a different amount. It’s one of the best things you can do for your overall health.


  1. Assalamualaikum..
    Good morning sir... The conclusion that I took after reading the article above was that drinking water is very important and needed in life Because it has a big factor in our growth and thinking ... So after reading the article above ... I hope that other readers and I can consume water as well as possible Aamiin

    Name :Atha alaika
    Class:x IPS 4

  2. good morning sir, after reading this article I understand that drinking water is very important for our health because if our body loses a lot of water then many body functions will be disturbed, one of them is the brain.

    Name: Aura Juliana putri
    Class: XI IPA 6

  3. Good Article, After Reading This article i think many people will drink enough water to getting the benefit. This article have a great explanation. I like it

    Name:Yonatan Yusak Lestari
    Class: XI-IPA-6

  4. I have read "why drink enough water is important" and in my opinion it is very important to drink water regularly because water can optimize the performance of the brain and other parts of the body, and the important thing is that drinking water can help my concentration while I am studying online.
    Name : Anisa Febriana
    Class : XI IPA 6

  5. Assalamualaikum
    Previously thank you to mrs b has given information about drink enough water,after i read this article, i can so more know very important we must drink enough water.

    Name :Muhammad Lutfi Nugraha
    Class:XI-IPA 6

  6. Name :Nadia Mulia Febria Muhtar
    Class:XI IPA 6

    Good morning sir, the conclusion that I take from this article is about how important water is to our bodies. Water itself has a very important role for our body. if we lack a few percent of water, it will have an impact on our bodies. Therefore make it a habit to meet the needs of water for our bodies by drinking 8 glasses a day.

  7. Hello Mr

    My thoughts about this article is water probably are the mist important thing for our body. Our body need to drink water everyday. Without water our bodies will experience severe dehydration which can harm our bodies. Thats why its important to stay hydrated

    Name: Muhammad Nabiel Aditya
    Class: XI IPA 6

  8. Thank you Miss. The article is very helpful. This reminds me of the importance of drinking water for the body, especially for those who want a healthy face (glow up).One easy way to maintain a healthy body is to improve our drinking habits. Try to drink more water than syrup, tea or coffee. Once again, thank you Miss.

    Amalia nur azizah
    11 Ipa 6

  9. Name: Nazwa Bariqoh Saniyah
    Class: XI Science 6

    I've read the article, and i can conclude that drink enough water it's important because the human body comprises around 60% water. I realized that if we aren't drink enough water, will cause many effect to our body, like impair many aspects of brain function, dehydration, maintenance of body temperature, increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue. Thank you mr.

  10. Good afternoon mr,thank you for giving me this information.I trust all the information provided,it is true that water is important but one information still I doubt it"water helps keep skin looking good".

    Name :Martin Kaperius T
    Class: XI IPA 6

  11. Good morning sir,good article after read i know how and the amount of drinking water is good so don't dehydrated

    Name ; M.Delfi Firmansyah
    Class ; XI IPA 6

  12. Hi, good morning sir
    because reading this article I have become more aware that water is very important for life, there are many benefits from drinking water. I also became more aware of the dangers of dehydration.

    Name : Angel Diana Winarno
    Class : XI IPA 6

  13. Good morning Mr. and thanks to Mrs. B for making this article
    From this article I learned that drinking enough water is very important and beneficial for health and the body and also so as not to become dehydrated

    Silva Lestari
    XI IPA 6

  14. thanks mr about the article, in my opinion, water is important for life because we need to drink when we are thirsty, otherwise we could be dehydrated, that's all thank you

    M.Arkan Dhiya Ulhaq
    XI IPA 6
    ABSEN: 15

  15. good morning sir, after reading this article I understand that drinking water is very important for our health
    Water Helps Energize Muscles."When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer."

    Amelia safitri
    XI IPA6

  16. Good morning sir, After I read this article, I became more aware of how important water is to life, and I have become more aware of my body so as not to become dehydrated.

    Name : ichsan Fakhri Fadlurahman
    Class : XI IPA 6

  17. Assalamualaikum Mr. Thank you for providing this article. During my activities, I sometimes forget to drink water, the benefits of water are many, one of which is for the health of the body and skin, consuming enough fluids every day can keep the body hydrated

    Salma Adilah
    X IPS 4

  18. Thank you Miss. The article is very helpful. This reminds me of the importance of drinking water for the body, especially for those who want a healthy face.One easy way to maintain a healthy body is to improve our drinking habits. Try to drink more water than syrup, tea or coffee. Once again, thank you Miss

    X ips 3

  19. Mr. Assalamualaikum, thank you for this article I know that water is important to our bodies and to our health as well

    Chantika APF
    X IPS 3

  20. Thankyou miss and Mr, After reading this article I realized that I have not been taking good care of myself, my body needs fluids but I drink small amounts.

    Siti Nurfizul Fanisa Apriliani
    X IPS 3

  21. water is good for our body, we should drink water more often.

    Excel Nalendra Nugraha
    X IPS 3


  22. thank you mr and ms for telling me to read this article, so I know that not drinking enough water will result in mild or severe dehydration. and I came to know that drinking water has many benefits, especially for skin moisture. maybe after reading this article I will drink water more often than drinks that contain sugar.

    Syabilla alfatiya
    X IPS 3

  23. Assalamualaikum Mr, thank you miss and mr, after I read this article I became aware of the benefits of how important it is for us to drink enough water

    Annisa Tsuraya Haifa
    X IPS 3

  24. Hello, sir, thank you for a very good article. And it made me realize that drinking water is very important and has many benefits for the body.

    Dhiyaa Nur Widiana
    X IPS 3

  25. good morning after I read this article I understand and I realized how important water is for life.I know how and the amount of drinking water has to be good, don't overdo it so don't get dehydrated

    Alvin Hasan Haqiki
    X IPS 3

  26. thank you miss thank you, this article is very useful for me to know how important water is for the body

    M Dika Salman Fikry
    X IPS 3

  27. Thank you Miss and Mr., after reading this article I realized that my body needs a lot of fluids. I will better protect my lifestyle.

    Syifa Apriliani
    X ips 3

  28. Thank you miss and sir, after reading this article I understand that drinking water is very important for our health, especially since our bodies lose a lot of water, therefore many body functions will be
    disturbed, one of which is the brain.

    Roqi Martin
    X IPS 3

  29. thanks mr about the article, in my opinion, water is important for life because we need to drink when we are thirsty, otherwise we could be dehydrated, that's all thank you

    Hazna Alifia Hakim
    X IPS 3

  30. thank you Mr.After reading this article, it makes me understand that drinking is just enough.

    Siti Nayla Syufiawati
    X IPS 3

  31. Thank you Miss and mr, water is needed by humans to drink and bathe or cook, therefore drink more water so that the body becomes healthy and is not easily dehydrated.

    Rizki Rahmawati
    X IPS 3

  32. Assalamualaikum Ms and Mr. Thank you for providing useful information through this article, after reading it I realized that drinking enough water is very good for us.

    Elvira Riyanti Asraf
    X IPS 3

  33. Assalamualaikum Mr, after I read this article, it made me realize the benefits of drinking water

    Calista Rizky Pratiwi
    X IPS 3

  34. Thank you Mr and Ms, by reading this article I have come to know new things, the article is easy to understand and short,

    Fabilna Ratnasari Bintang Faaiz
    X IPS 3

  35. good morning mr and ms. After reading this article, I came to know that drinking water is very good for our bodies, hopefully after reading this article I will be more diligent in consuming water every day, thank you for the information, mr and ms.

    selpi mardiah
    X IPS 3

  36. Assalamualaikum Mr, thank you miss and mr, after I read this article I became aware of the benefits of how important it is for us to drink enough water

    Alda sri aprijah
    X ips 2
