Monday, May 20, 2024

Cavinton Hotel Yogyakarta

Tiba di Jogja sesuai jadwal, pukul 2 pagi.  Saya rungah ringeuh, nginap di mana? Saya mengira Pa Asep,  pa Novi, Bu Ai, sudah punya rencana. Pa Novi dengan senyum paling manis, berujar, saya nginap di teman. Kami menjawab dengan senyum bahagia. Turut senang dia punya temen. 

Akhirnya diputuskan menuju ke hotel saja. Hotelnya tidak dikunci. Kami berempat,tambah satu lagi, Pa Ijun, masuk  ke lobi. Leyeh-leyeh di kursi tamu. Aku berpikir betapa tidak punya tempat menginap itu telah menghilangkan budaya minta izin. Bu Ai langsung menjelajah dan menemukan praying room di lantai 2. Kami diajak untuk spend the rest of the dawn there. And with no argue, we went there.  We were like uncivilized people. Occupy the room without any permission. 

We lay down in the praying room. We were very tired and sleepy. 

Then we saw they came from WA, of course. 
I took this picture 
My head was so heavy, l think it is because l am lack of sleeping. 
I felt that ny outfit look crazy. 
Yet, l had no chance to change.
After magrib, then l can do that.

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