Friday, June 7, 2024


Geus aya beja mun Bu Eneng teu jadi cenah sempro Jumaah ayeuna. Alesnna can siap sempro bisi ngerakeun promo jeung copromo. 
Terus, pasardn cenah teu boga waktu to see me. His schedule this Friday is very full. No time left for me.
Two reasons for me to go to UPI dissappear.  But, my promise to sitimaspupah isn't canceled.  So, l decide to leave for UPI to test my luck. In UPI, at least continue writing. 

When l left home, walking to the alley, then l realized that my laptop charger left at home. Then l returned back home.
Buii and husband informed they're waiting for me.

Kokingking called asked if there's an opportunity for his relative to work as a teacher in SMA. I offered him to work as a teacher in SLB. 
E joins exam
Dayana joins quilting course 
Roasting at Rivo
Hamper offers from Nenden
Bu Tati's younger sister. Tati is Gaga's mom, Feti.
SMPN 1 Pacet
Me informs Buneng l am at UPI
Buneng pratik

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