Friday, April 12, 2024

Umayya vs Abbasids

 Dan Gibson, a historian and writer, mentioned that Muslims misunderstand Bacca as Mecca. It was because of black history happened between Umayya and Abbasid. 

Before this, Mecca remains a mystery. no archeological record about this city. Then, Mecca is also mentioned only once in the Quran. The situation and condition of Mecca does not match the description of Aisya and other description about it, it is a city with trees, water, grass. Mecca is a barren place, and not a place where caravan stop, gather to meet, mother of the cities. 

However, Dan Gibson convinced us that the founding place of Islam is Petra. It is a forbidden gathering place or Masjid Al Haram. 


I responded Milma's text saying that I can assist the workshop this Monday or Wednesday before the class open. 


I sent the kids each 500K as lebaran's gift. It is the last for my own kids. And I also sent Yk 200K.


Yk said that he had to pay 100K to Mang Asep. It was his promise that costed me 100K. He promised to pay for Mang Yusuf cloth for his lebaran day. Well, l myself spent 0 rupiah for lebaran as all the money have to go to my children. 

I gave him 100K to buy bones and egg. Bones for Kiro and Egg for us. I hope he can use the money wisely.


The rain falls, just a drizzle for less than a minute. I love raining. For me, raining is a bless. I can see that trees and grass grow green when they are touched by the end tounge of rain drop. I love seeing green. It makes my eyes warm and calm.

Unfortunately,  the rain ends even before it starts. 


Ada  info ini di grup pengawas,  ditulis oleh Dr Eni.


1. Di PMM tidak ada fitur klaim angka kredit. Adanya di EKINERJA BKN

2. Di PMM tidak ada fitur cetak 3 dokumen penting: SKP, Evaluasi Kinerja Pegawai, dan Dokumen Laporan Evaluasi Kinerja Pegawai. Adanya di EKINERJA BKN

3. Di PMM tidak ada fitur sinkronisasi angka kredit ke SI ASN / MYASN

Jadi guru masih tetap main di 2 kaki: PMM dan EKINERJA BKN. Saya jelaskan biar gak salah paham. Guru tetap mengerjakan pengelolaan kinerja di PMM, yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian (evaluasi). Hasilnya akan "mengalir" ke eKIN BKN. Jadi di eKIN BKN itu kita nggak ngapa²in, hanya "memetik hasil" bila diperlukan. Memetik hasil ini misal mau cetak SKP,  cetak laporan evaluasi, klaim angka kredit dan sinkronisasi angka kredit ke MyASN. Ke depan semoga ketiga fitur di atas ada juga di PMM biar guru cukup main di PMM saja.


Akhirnya hujan turun.

Beu... kamar E, kamar 1, banjir.

Pengamanan, nake turub plastik. 

Nonton the Aphotecary

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